Education and Awards


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering                                                                                 08/2010 08/2015

University of Maryland College Park, USA

Thesis:  Age of Information and Energy Efficiency in Communication Networks 

Advisor: Dr. Anthony Ephremides

M.S. in Electrical Engineering                                                                                    08/2007 12/2009

State University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Thesis: Throughput Analysis for Opportunistic Networks

Advisor: Dr. Paulo Cardieri

B.S. in Electrical Engineering                                                                                    08/2002 08/2007

University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

Senior Project: Link Simulator for LTE Systems Considering Multiple Carriers and Multiple Antennas

Advisor: Dr. Paulo Portella

Co-Advisors (Nokia Institute of Technology): Dr. Robson Vieira, Dr. Andre Noll Barreto  


Selected Awards

Graduation day. 

A conversation with Kermit the Frog and Jim Henson.

"It's not easy bein' green..." was the theme of a public debate I organized with my colleague Jessica Foley while at CONNECT Research Center, Trinity College Dublin. What an amazing experience! We discussed whether "Green Communication Networks" are really "green."